Common questions about our classes


                               FAQ ABOUT OUR CLASSES

  • 🙂 Yes, all the classes are always free of charge. The Sri Chinmoy Centre covers the cost of the classes.  Our teacher, Sri Chinmoy, requested that we offer all our classes in the spirit of selfless service.
  • 🙂 Yes, registration is required. (You just need to register for the course once, not each session).
  • 🙂 Yes, if you register for a class and cannot attend, we would appreciate it if you can inform us before the class on 0478 366 000 or via the website.
  • 🙂 Sure, if you miss a session just come along to the following session.
  • 🙂 No need to bring a mat or cushion.  For all classes we will be sitting on chairs. 
  • 🙂 Yes, we have books and music by Sri Chinmoy available for purchase at the class to support your progress with your meditation. 
  • 🙂 Yes, after the introductory classes we have further free continuation classes and group meditations.   Details are given at the final session of the course.
  • 🙂 Yes, children are definitely welcome, providing they are able to sit through the class quietly. 

” Each act of selfless service is its own reward.



To register for classes:


We look forward to meditating with you soon. 🙂